How does the "Random Blog" button work?

The Random Blog button utilizes a javascript I wrote that chooses at random one of the blogs that I have listed in my directory. To have your blog included in the random blogs and in the sidebar, it's as easy as joining my Link Exchange program. Remember, any random blog this goes to should also have a link back to my site. So if you want to use the button again you can hit the "Back" button on your browser, or simply find the link back to here. So, why is it better?

(1) No pornographic or otherwise offensive material. If you have clicked "Next Blog >>" as much as I have, I know you've stumbled onto quite a few of these, and it always seems to happen as someone is walking by the computer...

(2) No foreign language blogs. I think the culture of other nations is great, though I can't speak much of any language besides English. I do have an entire section devoted to these blogs, but they don't appear in this rotation. Too often I'd be browsing the "Next Blogs" and a indecipherible Spanish blog would come up...or worse, a blog with Asian characters that don't even format correctly in my browser.

(3) More than just blogspot. Blogspot is huge, but there are a ton of non-blogspot blogs out there that get no respect in the "Next Blog >>" button. Well, they are given equal distribution here...MySpace, Xanga, LiveJournal, and more!

(4) Every blog in this rotation is run by someone who cares enough about their blog that they actively sought out ways to promote it and they should be regularly updated.

(5) No more spam blogs! All these blogs are run by real people with real messages that they want to write about.

(6) And finally...your blog can be a part of it too. Just participate in the free link exchange program and your blog will join the rotation. With more visitors per day than there are blogs in the rotation, it's likely that everyday someone new will be coming to visit your site.

If you find a blog that snuck in some pornographic or offensive material, or one that hasn't been updated in over a month, just let me know (in the comments section) and I'll have it removed ASAP!

Also, blogs that have previously held the "Bestest Blog of the Day" title are 3 times more likely to come up than other blogs. High quality = more likely, the way it should be.

If you want your blog to come up more often than all the others in the rotation, it's as easy as becoming a "Premium Blog" (click here to find out how!).

If you have any other questions, feel free to leave me a comment on this post or email me.


elaine x said…
you are clever. nice to see people's grey matter working so well!
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
AtriaBooks said…
your "Randon Blog" button is great.

You are a welcome addition to the internet!
Just the other day as I was Blog-Surfin' using Bloggers "Next Blog" button, I was thinking, "Sure would be nice if I could just get English language blogs..."
And here ya go.
Another reason to love Bestest Blog.
The Gamin said…
Where do I find 'Your' random button?
The Gamin said…
Sorry, it was right there in front of me.
Melminda said…
The "Random Blog" Button sometimes links to Blogs running active content and suspicious scripts.

Just curious about security.
Do you have the cpacity to check the blogs you link to? If not I understand.
Justin Taffet said…
Great and amazing idea i will use this instead of the next button totally!
o yeah!
Bobby Griffin said…
I don't have the capacity to continuously check all blogs I link to...however, when I am looking for my next "Bestest Blog of the Day," I often sit there and hit the "Random Blog" button myself. However, I am also on the look for sites that violate my policy and do remove any ones I find.
ian gordon said…
So, if I'm understanding you right, WE don't get a random button on our sites but have to click back to your site between each and every blog it sends us to before being able to proceed to the next?

So if I visit 20 blogs, 10 of them have been the same one - yours?

Certainly Blogger's "next blog" feature totally sucks. But I'm not sure spending a whole 50% of my surf time on your home page is the alternative I'm seeking.

I must be missing something here...
Bobby Griffin said…
Ian: I'm working on making a version of the button that opens in a new window, as well as a browser bar for the top of the page. Unfortunately I'm not as skilled in this sort of things as I could be.

But you are wrong when you say you have to spend 50% of your surfing time on my long does it take to click the button, 1 second? So that means if you visit 20 pages, 10 of them would be mine, but would accumulate a total of 10 seconds of your surfing time. While you can spend seconds, minutes, or hours on the blogs you find.

Hope this helped.
jomama said…
Occasionally I spit forth a dirty word. Would you check my blog and tell me if I'm welcome or not?
Zoro said…
"NICE" BLOG FOR "NICE" PEOPLE - NOTHING TOO DANGEROUS HERE IT SEEMS - still I found out how to use my template a bit - thanx anyway.
TerriG said…
And how does not violate your policy, and has a bestest blog rating as well?
Anonymous said…
You're new 'Random Blog' set-up is nice and all, but it seems that when I want to post a comment on another blog the 'word verification' is an error so I can't see the letters. If I exit your site/window and then go back to that same blog there is no error. And I can see the letters just fine. I thought it was blogger at first, but then realized its this site. Its more of an inconvience then any real problem(it could just be me, although I've never had this problem). Thought I'd let you know. Thanks again.
GenoPetro.House said…
okay, you're linked to me:

Chicago's Home Weblog

{Real Estate Commentary}

Thanks much,

merapuman said…
Bobby, I've been getting daily visits from your random blog button. Thanks a lot man.
Matt said…
The random button feature is a breath of fresh air - thanks for including it!

Also, I'd like to throw my own blog into the mix. It used to be a personal one but I'd characterize it more as an Entertainment-focused blog nowadays.

The Spoon
The link is

Queenie said…
What I like most: I can leave comments on other blogs and somehow still be on your site.
I will not be adding myself to your links because I do not self-promote my blog, but I will be keeping you in My Favorites. I think you are clever.
How much spyware goes into my computer, when I come to your site?

Matthew Bamberg said…
Hey Bobby, ever since I've been hanging here, my hits have gone up and after I won the Bestest Blog of the Day on Aug. 15, my hits tripled. For a young guy you sure know what you're doing!
SWF42 said…
I think I added my blog to your list, but I have no idea if I did it correctly. I definitely added a link to my page, but it's a tiny link in the upper right corner, not the big "Random Blog" link at the top of the page that I see elsewhere.

Maybe I'm just being impatient. I'll wait. tick tock tick tock tick tock

Or, my page is a little too adult to be added to your rotation. I did use the F word, after all.

I'll go back to watching the clock.
Donna. W said…
This is how I'll be reading new blogs from now on. It was getting so the "next blog" button took me to more viagra ads and porn-type stuff than it did to blogs. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
I clicked on my Random Blog link on my blog today, and it took me straight to a porn site which would not let me back until I closed down Firefox, restarted, went to my blog and hit the link again. Then I came to Random Blog proper, but I don't want visitors to click on the RB link and get porn sites. They have figured this out somehow.
Mitch said…
boo you stink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unknown said…
Since I put the Random Blog button on my site my traffic has reduced dramatically. I appear to be getting ONLY the people who were visiting daily anyway and no new traffic at all. Is this Blogger punishing me or is something else wrong ? Even if Blogger was annoyed I should have traffic from you as you promised such good stuff. Come on, Bobby! Help me here !!!
Chef Jules said…
Hello Bobby. A Very packed and interesting blog you have here. I shall put you on my blogroll and please add me to your random feature here at Bestest Blog.

Feel free to tell me if I've done something wrong. In this exchange I am to add you to my blogroll, yes? I'm good in the kitchen, on the computer not so good!

Those of you who like to cook, visit me, Chef Jules, for recipes and fun finds for the Foodphile.
What's random about a blog finder that you have structured to be non-random?
Peter said…
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