Bestest Blog of the Day: 10/16/2006

Sadie, Sadie, Married Lady Morgen from "It's a Blog Eat Blog World"
Today's Morgen Monday takes us to Tennessee, to visit Sadie, Sadie, Married Lady.
Sadie is a married lady (to Mr. Incredible) who has two dogs, an incorrigible cat named Merlin -- a kitty with a soft spot for Pancho's Cheese Dip and tummy rubs, an engrossing TV habit, and a co-worker with a serious gum-popping problem. She's also passionate about sports.

Since she's married to Mr. Incredible, it didn't surprise me at all to know that one of her favorite quotes is from the movie The Incredibles: "No Capes!" said by Edna Mode.

A good intro to Sadie the Blogger is her 100 Things About Me post, done on her 32nd birthday. See numbers 51- 53 for more about the annoying gum-popping office manager.

It was through Sadie's blog that I became introduced to Thursday Thirteen, and she's got some great ones under her belt! One of my favorites, though, is her first: Thirteen Things About Sadie.

The gravatar pic that Sadie uses isn't her cat, it's just one that makes her chuckle whenever she sees it. Me too.

So, hop on over to Sadie, Sadie, Married Lady and tell her that Morgen and Bestest Blog sent ya!


Neila said…
Great choice! I always love reading Sadie's blog!
Pedro Silva said…
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