Bestest Blog of the Day: 09/14/2006

Peggy, as she is
This guest blogging pick comes to us from Ms. Peanut at "Peanut, Peanut Butter...Jelly!"
(Insert drum roll here) "And the winner of ‘Bestest Blog of the Day for September 14th, 2006’ is ‘Peggy, as she is’!"

Mommy Dearest, Boy, and Elsie’s mother complicate Peggy’s life on a regular basis-- from denial of visitation to not minding her own business. Between having a 2- and a 4–year old, running an eBay store, dealing w/ MD, and life in general, I don’t know how Peggy does it.

I especially love her rant about advertising on PBS and her rant about Mommy Dearest’s attempt at visitation denial.

You never know what you're going to read next with Peggy. It could be about PBS, Mommy Dearest, her secret admirer, or even garbage bags! So please check out Peggy at "Peggy, as she is" and tell her that Bestest Blog and Peanut sent ya!


Drue said…
Why is the "Bestest Blog" the worstest layout?
damn this is hard to read.

good content, though!
Yay Peggy!
Jules said…
Excellent choice. less blog on my list for Friday's column...check!

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