Bestest Blog of the Day: 08/17/2006
Meathead Diaries
I love funny blogs, I love blogs with an original concept...ergo I love this blog. Guy Ernest is the best, he's cocky, he's a bad boy, he's competitive. He also runs this blog which features funny stand-up comedy audio clips (which you need Quicktime to run).
I think Guy probably considers himself the best comic in the world (me, I'm on the fence). His audio clips demonstrate how he is a master at multiple different forms of comedy: Alternative Comedy, Improv Comedy, HBO Television.
Guy may be cocky, but he's not selfish. He's willing to teach you how to be as funny as he is (well, no one is as funny as he is, but he'll teach you how to get as close as you can). He offers lessons in comedic topics such as: Observational Comedy, Song Parodies, Dennis Miller-ish Super Smart Comedy, and How to Deliver your Material.
If you've read this far and haven't already figured it out, Guy Ernest is not a real person, but a funny character, your typical "meathead". Most of the fun of this blog isn't exactly what is said, but how the character says it. Like Guy explains, it's all about delivery. As with most stand-up comedians, there may be some offensive material...consider yourself warned!
So please check out the comedic stylings of Guy Ernest over at "Meathead Diaries". And of course, tell him "Bestest Blog" sent ya (though, I'm sure Guy would insist that his blog is the bestest...or perhaps he'd claim that the only reason his blog isn't the bestest is because that's too girly of a word...).
I love funny blogs, I love blogs with an original concept...ergo I love this blog. Guy Ernest is the best, he's cocky, he's a bad boy, he's competitive. He also runs this blog which features funny stand-up comedy audio clips (which you need Quicktime to run).
I think Guy probably considers himself the best comic in the world (me, I'm on the fence). His audio clips demonstrate how he is a master at multiple different forms of comedy: Alternative Comedy, Improv Comedy, HBO Television.
Guy may be cocky, but he's not selfish. He's willing to teach you how to be as funny as he is (well, no one is as funny as he is, but he'll teach you how to get as close as you can). He offers lessons in comedic topics such as: Observational Comedy, Song Parodies, Dennis Miller-ish Super Smart Comedy, and How to Deliver your Material.
If you've read this far and haven't already figured it out, Guy Ernest is not a real person, but a funny character, your typical "meathead". Most of the fun of this blog isn't exactly what is said, but how the character says it. Like Guy explains, it's all about delivery. As with most stand-up comedians, there may be some offensive material...consider yourself warned!
So please check out the comedic stylings of Guy Ernest over at "Meathead Diaries". And of course, tell him "Bestest Blog" sent ya (though, I'm sure Guy would insist that his blog is the bestest...or perhaps he'd claim that the only reason his blog isn't the bestest is because that's too girly of a word...).