Bestest Blog of the Day: 07/28/2006

To Love, Honor, and Dismay
This site comes to us from Doctor Andrew McAllister. On his blog, Dr. Andrew explores how relationships work, writes stories about relationships, and provides advice for anyone who sends him questions.

If you'd like to send Dr. Andrew a "Dismaying Story" of your own, you can email him at LoveHonorAndDismay at yahoo dot com. You definitely don't have to sign your real name, but you should think up a cute pseudo-name like you've seen in those "Dear Abby" columns like "Suddenly Insecure," "Weary Sparring Partner," or "Displaced Father" (click on a name to read their question, as well as the advice they were given).

I knew I would be writing about this blog today and went to his site to get a little more in-depth look at it. That's when I knew I had made the right choice, because I saw a lot of positive comments left by readers who had already stumbled upon his blog. For instance, one reader writes, "Wow!!! This is an excellent blog! There is a lot of mystification regarding couples and we all get hooked and feel helpless about our relationships. This a great contribution you are making by allowing people to express themselves and find healthy solutions and answers to their problems."

So, please visit Dr. Andrew at "To Love, Honor, and Dismay" for all your relationship questions and advice...and of course, let him know the website that sent you!


Anonymous said…
Thanks Bobby, not only for making me Bestest for one whole day but also for your great site that links so many of us together. A few of the people who visit my site most often (and offer such interesting insights) originally arrived through your site. Because of you I feel officially Loved and Honored. Dismayed? ...not so much.

Thank you!!
UB said…
please link to my blog - i've linked to your's already - thanks !
Quotations on Education
Anonymous said…
Interesting idea I keep stumbling on your blog.
Mo Diggs said…
interesting concept

maybe when i have a problem I will write to him
Reeholio said…
Another good person in this world. A well deserved award Andrew.
Becky said…
Excellent Idea for a hit blog!

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