Rerun Sunday: 10/08/2006

Bitter Cup of Joe
When I first saw the name of this blog, I thought for sure it would be run by a guy named Joe...but I was wrong, it's run by Vinnie G. from Cleveland who explains that "A Bitter Cup of Joe is just what everyone needs to start the day."

Besides the daily rants Vinnie comes up with (like this funny yet angry one), Vinnie is chroncling his writing of a book. Basically, each day he has a predetermined amount of words he is supposed to write, and he tracks his progress towrads a total of 50,000 words in his blog. Turns out the protagonist is a werewolf!

I recommend you check out "A Bitter Cup of Joe" for Vinnie's (not Joe's) very active daily posting and tracking his book progress (maybe if enough people bug him about it, he'll post some excerpts from it!). Tell Vinnie you're visiting, courtesy of "The Bestest Blog of All-Time."


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