Just so you know...

There are 32 new blogs in the Recent Additions for your weekend viewing pleasure. There are also a bunch of new Premium Blogs, so be sure to check those out as well.

The "Random Blog Button" Beta has been well received, I hope to make it a little less beta before the weekend is over, but we shall see. But if you want to link to it now you can...even when it us un-beta, the URL won't change.

I am up to 76 links on Blogrolling.com. This is up from 53 when I initially encouraged people to use this service. #500 on the Hot 500 still only has 129 links, so I am quickly bridging the gap. If you haven't already, click here to Blogroll Me!

And finally, this month's "Bestest Blog of the Month" auction is up and rolling and has some bids already. Don't miss out if you're interested!


PhoenixHearse said…
Please remove me from your links list. Thanks.

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